
June 13, 1998, 4 pm

Administered by the Reverend Gil Masters, Universal Life Church

Processional: walk out to the point


Gil: We are gathered in this beautiful place to witness the joining of Annie and Scott in marriage. They particularly wanted to invite you here because their sense of spirituality and the growth of their love are connected to these islands. They've learned here that falling in love with another person is like the exploration of a wild and lovely place, that loving another person can deepen your sense of connetedness to all of life, and that the intimacy and the surprises of that experience are a form of reverence.

A wedding ceremony is an outward form. To be true, it must symbolize something inner and real: a sacred personal union which nature might mirror, a religious institution solemnize, or a state declare legal, but which only love can create and mutual loyalty fulfull. To last, this marriage must include not only devotion between these two, but aslo between this couple and their community of family and friends.

In honor of this, Annie's and Scott's parents will share some wisdom:

Parental readings:

The marriage pledge:

Gil: Annie and Scott, it's time to say the pledges which will marry you. Please face each other, and Annie, repeat after me:

I, Annie, take you, Scott, to be the companion of my heart.
I promise to know and love myself so that I can in turn know and love you.
I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to listen to you in times of joy and sorrow.
I promise to feed you whenever you are hungry.
I promise to love and cherish you all the days of my life.

Scott, please repeat after me:

I, Scott, take you, Annie, to be the companion of my heart.
I promise to know and love myself so that I can in turn know and love you.
I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to listen to you in times of joy and sorrow.
I promise to feed you whenever you are hungry.
I promise to love and cherish you all the days of my life.

Gil: Will you who witness these pledges do your utmost to support this marriage? Please say, "We will."

Ring ceremony:

Gil: Scott and Annie have chosen to exchange rings as outward symbols of their vows. Round like the sun, like the eye, like arms that embrace, rings are an ancient, simple symbol. Each forms a circle that holds fathomless complexity in the ratio of its circumference and radius. May each of you be reminded by your rings that, just as simplicity and complexity exist beautifully in their form, so it can be in a beautiful marriage.

Scott's and Annie's rings will be passed through the circle of their family members. I would now like to ask the family members to please pass the rings to Scott and Annie... Scott, as you place the ring on Annie's finger, would you please repeat after me:

Annie Reese, with this ring I thee wed.

Annie, as you place the ring on Scott's finger, would you please repeat after me:

Scott Veirs, with this ring I thee weed.

Sibling readings/music:

Community role:

Gil: Annie and Scott have chosen each other and declared their love and purpose beofore this gathering. This evening is a time for friends and family to support this union by not only celebrating your love for each other but also reaffirming the love that you all share as a community -- that it may offer strong support in times of difficulty and challenge.

Annie and Scott, you may seal your marrige with a kiss...

Now, Annie and Scott, go with your family and friends to the fest, and carry with you the beauty and power of these rocky shores.

Overview | How to get there | Where to stay | What to bring | Recreation opportunities
Don't hesitate to contact us for more information or with questions:
Scott or Annie -- 650.261.9162